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Hi,,! I'm Charan....

A Psychology student, Researcher, Web-Developer, Teacher

Disclaimer: The main purpose of this website is to spread my ideas and gather teammates for my projects who might share common vision as me. So, feel free to check my projects and if you feel you can fit in any of it, let's talk!!!

About me:
I'm a curious guy who enjoys learning about everything which interests me and not only i try to learn but also love to understand the logic behind it and apply in other fields.

Undergrad: Business Managment
Psychology: Postive Psychology
Research: Linking Student's character and intelligence development to education
Programing languages: HTML, CSS, JS, Python
Teacher: High school and can teach most of the subjects. What can i say I just love teaching

And when I'm bored I love to play videogames, Travel-Explore, Adventures


Download the story theme from templatemo. Quisque placerat turpis non tortor fringilla, in ornare magna eleifend. Etiam mattis varius fringilla.

Sub Title One

Nullam tortor mauris, bibendum ac ex vel, auctor congue est. Aenean quis tellus molestie, laoreet massa a, maximus est. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis.

Sub Title Two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ut sapien quis ante faucibus tempus. Nam ut dui vitae tellus vehicula porttitor in nec lorem.

Contact Me


+30 6909594641

Athens, Greece.